What Is Insulation? The Important Facts! | Air & Energy of NWFL

What Is Insulation? The Important Facts! | Air & Energy of NWFL

Have you ever wondered why your home is so comfortable during the summer and winter months when the weather is unbearable outside?

The answer lies in insulation. Insulation plays a critical role in keeping homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer, providing protection from temperature extremes as well as soundproofing.

But what exactly is insulation? How does it work, and how do you know which type of insulation is right for your home?

In this article, we’ll explore all these questions and more to help you understand how insulation works and how it affects heating and cooling costs.

So... What Is Insulation?

Insulation is a material used to slow down the transfer of heat, cold, and sound.

It is often found between walls and crawl spaces, in attics and basements, and around windows and doors. It may be produced in a number of ways, such as boards, batts, or radiant barriers.

Just as it can be made in many forms, there's also no one material used in every case. Insulation can be produced in a variety of materials, from reflective material to rock wool.

However, in homes, only typically three are used to control how heat flows: fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam.

Why Is Insulation Important?

Insulation is important because it helps keep the temperature inside your home comfortable and helps to reduce energy bills.

It also helps to block out unwanted noise from outside, so you can enjoy a quieter home environment.

If your home does not have insulation, heat or cool air can escape through air leakage, leading to higher utility bills and uncomfortable temperatures in the summer or winter months.

If you're wondering how much insulation you need, we answered how to do this using R-values in another article you can find here: How Much Insulation Do I Need In My Attic?

Types Of Insulation Materials


Fiberglass insulation is one of the most popular types of insulation used in American homes. It is available in several forms, including fiberglass batt insulation and blown-in fiberglass insulation.

Fiberglass batt insulation is a roll or batts of fiberglass that can be installed between studs or joists to insulate walls, floors, and ceilings.

Blown-in fiberglass insulation, known also as loose-fill insulation, is installed using special equipment to blow in the material into cavities within walls and around other areas where space may be limited.

Both forms of fiberglass insulation are effective at slowing the transfer of heat and cold, as well as noise.

Additionally, they are non-combustible and resistant to mold and mildew growth.

Caution is necessary with fiberglass. The minute glass fibers may cause eye and skin irritation if exposed to the body.

Furthermore, certain types of fiberglass insulation material contain formaldehyde, a human carcinogen, that can be released into the air upon damage or disruption.


Cellulose insulation is an effective and popular form of insulating material made from recycled newspaper and other paper products.

Crafting a snug fit in walls and tight spaces, the blown-in method most commonly used to install cellulose insulation offers multiple advantages over traditional forms: fire protection, moisture resistance and non-flammability, all key elements for safeguarding your home.

It can be used in areas with limited or inaccessible space, making it a great option for complicated structures.

Furthermore, it's super environmentally friendly as most cellulose insulation contains up to 85% post-consumer recycled content.

You should be wary that the cellulose is installed correctly, or it can be susceptible to water damage.

Spray Foam

Spray foam insulation is made from a polyurethane (you don't need to remember that word) foam that is sprayed onto surfaces.

Installation requires the use of special equipment and involves spraying the foam directly onto walls, ceilings, or other constrained spaces.

The foam expands, creating a tight seal around fixtures and other openings within the structure.

Spray foam insulation is often used thanks to its high resistance to heat flow, airtight seal, and ability to fill cracks and crevices that traditional forms of insulation cannot reach.

Additionally, it is non-toxic and harmless to all living things.

However, spray foam can be expensive due to installation costs. Furthermore, it should only be installed by an experienced professional to ensure its effectiveness.

Is Insulation Flammable?

When determining the most suitable insulation for your home, it's essential to consider the materials used and their flammability levels.

Fiberglass provides a fire-resistant solution when exposed to heat or flames, while alternatives such as cellulose are more combustible.

To ensure the safety of your home and family, it’s crucial to determine the flammability rating of your insulation by checking its manufacturer specifications.

Moreover, you should always exercise caution when using insulation near open flames or high temperatures to avoid any potential fire-related risks.

Last Words on Insulating Homes

Insulation is a great way to increase your home's energy efficiency and reduce your monthly heating and cooling bills.

Whether you choose fiberglass, cellulose, or spray foam insulation for your home depends on several factors, such as cost and ease of installation.

If you need help deciding which insulation would work best in your home, contact us today.

Our team will be more than happy to assist with any questions or concerns about installing insulation.

Having any problems with your furnace or air conditioner? We can do that too. We offer services for all kinds of home appliances.

Get in touch with our services here.

This article was written by:

Nathan Noa

Co-founder and Home Comfort Specialist

Click here to connect with Nathan on LinkedIn

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